Service Connection Points (SCP) are objects in Active Directory that hold information about services. Services can publish information about their existence by creating serviceConnectionPoint objects in Active Directory.

In turn client applications then use this information to find and connect to instances of the service. Some common systems that use SCPs are Exchange, SCCM and Terminal Server.

This guide shows you how to find out what servers are advertising terminal server SCPs and how to delete them if the SCP in question if it no longer exists in your organisation.

List Service Connection Point's

Firstly we need to identify the terminal server SCPs that are published in your active directory estate.

In command prompt run the following query,

dsquery * -filter "(&(CN=TermServLicensing)(objectClass=serviceConnectionPoint))"

This will return the SCPs along with their location in Active Directory. 

Delete a Service Connection Point

In Active Directory Users and Computers, select View then "Users, Contacts, Groups and Computers as containers"

Navigate to the path above, you want to remove then delete the TermServLicensing object under the server as shown below,


Rerun the dsquery command above and it should now be removed.