SNMPv3 is the most advanced and secure version of SNMP yet, with features like user authentication and encryption greatly enhancing the protocol.

The following instructions will guide you through configuring SNMP v3 on Extreme 200 series switching using SHA and DES;


   snmp-server group <groupname> v3 priv notify Default read Default write Default
   snmp-server user <username> <groupname> auth-sha <auth-key> priv-des <priv-key>

Example Configuration

   snmp-server group readonly_group v3 priv notify Default read Default write Default
   snmp-server user readonly_user readonly_group auth-sha dfsd69asdfNJFh2ds priv-des bNm395cdfjk23

Once SNMPv3 is working, it is recommended to disable SNMPv1 and v2